
PRIMAVERA TANGO COMPANY (ABN: 52 705 601 416) Privacy Policy 2023

1.) Your Privacy

Primavera Tango (company) (ABN: 52 705 601 416) (“Primavera Tango”, “we”, “us”, “our”) recognises that privacy is very important to our audience members, customers, website users, patrons, students, volunteers and our employees, and believes that information received by us that can be used to identify an individual (“you”, “your”) should be treated with respect.  This Privacy Policy discloses how we collect, protect, use and share information about individuals who share information with us.  We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”). This Privacy Policy applies to ALL information collected by Primavera Tango, including via the website together with all its related domains (“Site”, “Sites”), which are also subject to this Privacy Policy.  When delivering various services and functions, we may require, collect, store or use personal data for activities that include but are not limited to, promoting and selling tickets to our productions, taking bookings for the our dance studio, Tango Training program, dance lessons and classes, promoting and seeking support of donors and supporters, and selling merchandise (“Services”). Primavera Tango delivers the Services to the public through a variety of interfaces, including but not limited to our Sites, written forms, telephone, email, and face-to-face.  Before providing us with any information, you should read through this policy so that you understand and are comfortable with exactly how we will collect any information you share with us and what we will do with it.  This Privacy Policy will also tell you how to access your information and/or seek correction of your information if desired.  By using the Primavera Tango Sites and/or Services covered by this Privacy Policy and providing information to us, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically, by telephone or by post regarding security, privacy and administrative issues relating to your information and usage.  Please refer to the Point 12.) (Contact), at the end of this Privacy Policy for our contact details should you wish to contact us about our privacy practices.

2.) What We Collect

(i) Personal and Non-Personally Identifiable Information “Personal Information”, as used in this Privacy Policy, means personally identifiable information, such as your first and last name, mailing address, email address, billing information, telephone number and/or other contact information.  We collect Personal Information as well as non-personally identifiable information through your various interactions with us, including on our Sites and via the provision of our Services. (ii) Sensitive Information “Sensitive Information”, as used in this Privacy Policy. Primavera Tango does not collect Sensitive Information from you for marketing purposes.  Sensitive Information might be collected during the course of classes, shows, surveys or competitions administered by Primavera Tango or its affiliated third parties, but only if and when volunteered by you with your consent.  You can choose not to actively volunteer information to Primavera Tango. However if you do provide information to Primavera Tango when asked or prompted, including Sensitive Information, you are also providing consent for Primavera Tango to collect, store and use that information as necessary for the purpose of collecting it.  Please be aware that in some instances, if we are not able to collect your Personal Information or Sensitive Information, we may not be able to provide particular products or services to you or do business with you or the organisation with which you are connected.

3.) Who We Collect From

We collect and hold personal information, which may include sensitive information, about: (i) Customers, including ticket purchasers and our class attendees; (ii) Tango Training program students (“TP students”), before, during and after the duration of a student’s enrolment at Primavera Tango; (iii) Job applicants and employees (iv) Volunteers and contractors; and (v) Other people who come into contact with us, including, but not limited to donors and patrons. (i) Customers The Personal Information we collect from customers includes name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information and other information in connection with purchasing goods and/or services from Primavera Tango. (ii) TP Students The Personal Information we collect for TP students will include your name, address, gender, date of birth, telephone number, email address, academic history, together with information concerning previous schooling, background and nationality.  We may require health or other information, and we may be required to share the info that we get with the Commonwealth Government. (iii) Job Applicants and Employees The Personal Information we collect for job applicants and employees includes your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, resume/curriculum vitae, payment information, tax file number, and superannuation details, together with information concerning previous employment, background and nationality.  Please note that we are not obliged to delete, amend or destroy employee records, where such records are directly related to a current or former employment relationship between a Primavera Tango employee. (iv) Volunteers and Contractors We also obtain Personal Information from volunteers, such as members of the Board of Directors, Advisors, and others, who assist Primavera Tango in its functions or conduct associated activities. The information we collect may include your name, address, telephone number and company details.

4.) How We Collect Information

We collect information in three ways: (i) Voluntarily; (ii) Automatically; and (iii) Via Third Party Sources. (i) Voluntarily.  We collect information you provide to us in optional, voluntary submissions, including but not limited to online purchases, bookings, registration forms, online donations, promotional signups, competition entries, email or phone requests for customer service, software and mobile application downloads, TP student applications and curriculum vitae submissions.  We will generally collect information by way of forms filled out by individuals or the parents/guardians of younger participants or through face-to-face meetings, telephone calls, email and facsimile.  In some circumstances we may be provided with information about you from a third party, for example a report provided by a medical professional or a reference supporting a job applicant.  (ii) Automatically Like virtually all other websites, we will create and record information automatically when you visit our Site.  We use cookies (or small files sent directly to your computer or device) and other similar technology to collect information such as your IP address, the site you visited immediately prior to our Site and the frequency and duration of your visit to our Site.  We may track activity relating to your interaction with our email communications and with links contained within our email communications and our Site.  Generally, this information is “non-personally identifiable” (i.e. it cannot be linked back to one individual).  We may also collect, use, and share, with Primavera Tango partners, sponsors, service providers and licensees, precise location data, including the real-time location of your mobile or fixed location device.  Please note that Primavera Tango will never share the real-time location of your mobile or fixed location with any third party without your express consent at the time of the usage.  Some cookies may be associated with Personal Information about you and some may not.  This information is generally collected, used and stored to deliver relevant messaging and to enhance your overall experience when visiting our Site. (iii) Via Third Party Sources We may also obtain information, including Personal Information, from third party sources. This may include soliciting third parties to collect Personal Information on our behalf. In such cases we instruct those third parties to comply with this Policy. We may use analytics tools and other third party technologies to collect non-personally identifiable information in the form of various usage and user metrics when you use our Sites and/or Services. These third party analytics companies may combine the information collected for us with other information they have independently collected across their network of websites, products and services. Many of these companies collect and use information under their own privacy policies.

5.) Security and Integrity

We take reasonable measures, including the implementation and maintenance of physical, electronic, and managerial procedures, in an effort to assure the security, integrity, and accuracy of all Personal Information that we collect. If we learn of a security systems breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. We will destroy or de-identify your information if we no longer require the information to provide you with access to our Site/s or Services and if the information is not required to be saved under Australian law or other Commonwealth record.

6.) Storage & Security

We store your information on networks in Australia and take reasonable steps to protect your Personal Information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access.  These reasonable steps include password access, firewalls, and encryption of credit card details and secure servers.  All employees and contractors of Primavera Tango are required to respect the confidentiality of your personal information and the privacy of individuals.  Primavera Tango has in place reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods including locked storage of paper records and pass worded access rights to computerised records.

7.) How We Use Information

Generally, we use Personal Information to establish and enhance our relationship with you through five main categories: (i) Communication; (ii) Optimisation; (iii) Marketing & Advertising; (iv) Fundraising; (v) Sharing Features; and (vi) Educate, Employ & Engage.  Under no circumstances will we sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your Personal Information.  Below, we provide some specific examples of how we use the information we collect. (i) Communication and Responding to Requests To provide you with customer support, process transactions, respond to requests, send newsletters and updates, send special offers and advertisements, seek your opinions and feedback, and connect you to Primavera Tango Sites and/or Services and to products and services of our partners and licensees. (ii) Optimisation To provide, improve, and maintain our Sites and Services, to develop new products and services, to prevent abuse and fraud, to personalise and display advertisements and other content for you, and for other administrative and internal business purposes. (iii) Marketing & Advertising To personalise and display advertisements and other content for you. We may share your “anonymised” email address (i.e. we would first remove any identifying particulars or details in relation to your email address) with one or more of our third party business partners, so that you will receive more relevant online ads from us and other parties. This works by dropping a cookie on your browser linked to data that is known about you so that third party advertisers can show you more relevant ads. We may also use various measurement services and companies to analyse collected data about your engagement with our Sites and/or Services. The information that is collected is not personally identifiable, and is pseudonymous or aggregate data that does not identify any individual. The third party analytics companies that we use may share the user information they collect from our Sites with other measurement companies, who gather data from various sources, analyse and report on it for their clients. The reported information will cover various elements, for example it may summarise how many people have viewed a certain webpage within a certain age bracket. By using our Sites and Services, you consent to the collection of data by Primavera Tango’s ad servers or third party affiliates, or the transfer of information to them. See Point 9 (Your Choices) – ‘Marketing and Advertising’ for “opt out options”. (iv) Fundraising By donating money to us or by contributing to any of our fundraising platforms, you permit us to collect and store both Personal Information and Sensitive information about you. Although we may share your Personal Information, we will not share any Sensitive Information collected through donations and fundraisers with any third party. (v) Sharing Features By using any third party service to share links to content, you permit us to access, use and disclose any information relating to your account on each such third party service (such as your user name and profile information) that is available to us through the third party service. (vi) Educate, Employ & Engage. We will share some information retained from our students, clients, volunteers, independent artists, staff, board members and contractors for both internal purposes and external collaborations. Primavera Tango will use personal information of students, participants and clients for purposes such as: (i) keeping students, participants and clients informed of developments, and activities at Primavera Tango through newsletters and other publications; (i) day-to-day administration; (ii) procuring donations and marketing opportunities for Primavera Tango; (iii) satisfying legal obligations; and (iv) research, analysis and planning purposes. In relation to personal information of job applicants, employees, volunteers and contractors, our primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant, employee or contractor, as the case may be. Primavera Tango will use personal information of job applicants, volunteers, employees and contractors for purposes such as: (i) administering the individual’s employment or contract,; (ii) insurance purposes; (iii) procuring funds and marketing for Primavera Tango; and (iv) satisfying our legal obligations, for example in relation to child protection legislation. 

8.) When We Disclose Personal Information

Primavera Tango will not sell, license or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to third parties unless such disclosure is expressly approved by you or is for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. (i) Service Providers We may provide Personal Information to our third party service providers for their use in delivering our internal business functions or collecting information on our behalf.  Whenever possible, we require such third parties to only collect and use Personal Information in accordance with this Policy, and for no purpose other than providing us with our requested services. (ii) Primavera Tango’s Partners We may share your collected Personal Information with our third party partners. We may share your anonymised email address with one or more of our third party business partners in order to facilitate advertisement tailoring for our customers, patrons, or other users of our Sites. Also, you may be directed to third party sites when purchasing tickets to our shows and productions. Please note that although, we do not control any third party’s use or treatment of information, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that such disclosures are subject to reasonable confidentiality terms, and that each third party protects your information in a way that, overall, is at least substantially similar to the way in which this Policy protects your information. (iii) Legal Requirements We may disclose your information if we are legally bound to do so or if, in our reasonable opinion, such disclosure is necessary to prevent harm to ourselves or any other third party. We will notify you of such disclosure in all such instances. (iv) Change of Ownership In the event that there is a change of control at Primavera Tango such that we transfer part or all of our assets to a third party, then that third party will obtain access to any information we have collected, either automatically or directly, from you. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you by posting a notice on our Sites and/or Services and, sending you an email if we have your email address.

9.) Your Choices

(i) Submitting Personal Information Please note that if you do not wish to submit Personal Information, you may not be able to access and/or participate in certain Primavera Tango Sites and/or Services that require your Personal Information. For example, you will not be able to participate in our studio classes, certain contests or promotions, or access and/or use certain Primavera Tango product features or online services (for example: buying tickets to a performance). In addition, your refusal to submit Personal Information may limit our ability to respond to your customer support inquiry in a timely fashion. (ii) Accessing Personal Information You may request access to any Personal Information we hold about you by contacting us at as per the details under the Enforcement section in this Policy. Whenever you are entitled to access such information, we will provide such information to you via email or post without charging you for such access. In the instance that we are storing the Personal Information or Sensitive Information of students that are under the age of 18 years, those students parents or guardians may request access to such information. (iii) Editing Personal Information You may, at any time, update, correct, or delete certain Personal Information that you have provided to us by contacting us as per the details under the Enforcement section in this Policy. You are entitled to request that your Personal Information is dealt with by us either anonymously or under a pseudonym. If we are not able to remove your Personal Information for any reason, we will notify you of this with an accompanying explanation. When Personal Information is updated it may take up to seven (7) days from accessible systems, and up to 90 days from backup systems. (iv) Cookies and Similar Technology You can change your browser’s privacy settings to delete or control cookies or other similar technology as you wish. Please note that updating these settings may prevent you from using various functionality features, products or services of our Site. (v) Marketing & Advertising If you do not wish to have your browsing activity tracked or your information used for the purpose of delivering you targeted advertisements you may opt-out of the services currently used by Primavera Tango. Please note, you will still continue to receive generic advertisements. You can click on the relevant “opt out” links provided in our communication to you if you would like to opt out of interest based advertising. You can unsubscribe from Primavera Tango communications by contacting us at . You nevertheless acknowledge and agree that there may be instances where we may elect to notify you about administrative notices regarding your dealings with us.

10.) Third Party Websites

(i) Third Party Services, Links and Purchasing Tickets Occasionally we will include links to third party websites on our Site or other communications with you. This may include utilising the services of various third party ticketing agencies to sell tickets to our productions from time-to-time. Whenever you choose to follow such links to any other websites you should be aware that our privacy policy no longer applies and that each third party website’s privacy policy will govern their collection, storage and use of any of your Personal Information from the moment you leave our Site. (ii) When Your information Leaves Australia We may disclose your Personal Information to third party suppliers or partners located outside of Australia. These third party suppliers are located in the United States. In the event that we are required to disclose your Personal Information to overseas third parties, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that such disclosures are subject to reasonable confidentiality terms, that the overseas third party is subject to a law or binding scheme that protects your information in a way that, overall, is at least substantially similar to the way in which the Australian Privacy Principles protect your information or that the overseas third party takes steps to prevent a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles in relation to your information.

11.) Changes and Updates to This Policy

Primavera Tango regularly reviews its compliance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 27 December 2023 and may be updated by us, from time to time, in our sole discretion. We will notify you of any such changes by providing the current version of the Privacy Policy on our Site.  We encourage you to review this Policy periodically to stay informed about our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information. Your continued use of our Sites and/or Services or any other content, products or services covered by this Policy constitutes your agreement to this Policy and any updates.

12.) Contact

Please feel free to direct any questions concerns or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or Primavera Tango’s treatment of Personal Information by contacting us at .  Primavera Tango will contact the complaining party regarding his or her concerns and will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding Personal Information that cannot be resolved internally.