Tango Walk


Our bespoke tango performances deliver a unique and unforgettable experience for those seeking a dance tailored exclusively for their special occasions. Enjoy the spectacle as we bring our crafted performance to life at your event. (Pricing)

These bespoke tango performances deliver a one of a kind choreography, meticulously designed to suit the client's preferences and event theme. Whether it's a dance to be performed by the client themselves (click here) or by our performers at their event, our attention to detail ensures an amazing and personalised show.

What We Offer:

  • Custom Tango Performances and shows

  • Bespoke Choreography and training

  • Unique Event Experiences

  • Memorable showcases

From Grand Occasions to Intimate Gatherings

Tango performances - televised Miss Vietnam competition in a packed out theatre in The Melbourne Town Hall on Swanston Street

Tango performances (Grandioso Package) - televised Miss Vietnam competition (2018) in a packed out theatre in The Melbourne Town Hall on Swanston Street

Tango performances - 32nd Australian Chilean Latin Festival 2017, attracting crowds in the thousands

Tango performances (Variations Package) - 32nd Australian Chilean Latin Festival 2017, attracting crowds in the thousands

Tango performances (Spotlight Package + Lesson) - Party event with Tango Performance and Lesson - intimate gathering

Tango Pose, The big reveal


Experience the magic of tango at your events, tailored to your needs.  Our Tango Performances are available in flexible packages, ranging from single captivating performances to trios of enthralling shows.  For special occasions, inquire about our options for larger, bespoke shows.  Bring the enchantment of tango to both intimate gatherings and grand celebrations.

  • Elevate your event with a singular, mesmerising performance that steals the spotlight and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

    Package cost, $400 includes tango performance (example, add on to your event, birthday party, special occasion)

  • Experience the diversity of tango with our Tango Variations Package. This unique offering includes:

    Choreographed Brilliance - Seamless Artistry - Our team of expert dancers will deliver a captivating routine that flawlessly showcases our skills.

    Dynamic Improvisations of waltz and tango - Witness the spontaneous magic of waltz and tango with not one but two improvisations. Our skilled dancers will seamlessly improvise, bringing a sense of spontaneity and energy to your event that will captivate your audience.

    This package ensures a dynamic blend of precision and unrestrained creativity, offering a truly memorable tango experience that combines the best of choreography and improvisational artistry.

    Package cost, $600 includes a tango choreography performance, improvised waltz and tango performance. (example, for your event, birthday party, special occasion, latin festival)

  • For extraordinary events, indulge in the Grandioso Tango Spectacle – a customisable package featuring a series of larger-than-life performances, tailored to make your occasion truly spectacular.

    Package cost is variable will depend on requirements of your special event. Number of performer, length of show, etc. Please contact to discuss options.
    (example, for your televised event, theatre show, special occasion, latin festival)

  • Beginner tango lesson for your event. Can also be added on to packages (Spotlight and Variation), +$400 includes tango lesson for your guests (example, Birthday party, Christmas party, Special event, etc)

    Tango professional photos. Get pictures of your guests doing traditional tango poses with our professional photographers. Add on cost to above packages, +$200

*Terms and conditions
1. Packages must be used within 6 months of purchase.

Please see
FAQs for further information


Christmas Party - Intimate gatherings

Here is a clip from our latest event (Spotlight package plus add on lesson), our expert dancers created a warm and inviting space for the guests to revel in the joy of the season. We kicked off the festivities with an interactive tango dance lesson. Our skilled instructors guided attendees through the basic steps, ensuring everyone, from beginners to seasoned dancers, can join in the merriment. Watch as the dance floor comes alive with laughter, smiles and the shared joy of learning the art of tango. As the event draws to an end, our professional tango dancers will surprise the guests with a dazzling performance, weaving together the passion and precision of Argentine Tango.

Event & Show Price Guide

We offer a range of options to suit your needs and enhance your occasion. Explore our pricing and add-on options below to create a memorable experience.

Events Price Table

Events & Shows Options Total Cost Description Total Saving Sale % Total Hours
1 x Tango Performance $400 Spotlight - - <1
3 x Tango Performances $600 Variation $1200 67% >1
Special Large Event Varies Grandioso - - >Full Day
Add on 1Hr Guest Lesson $400 Class - - +1
Add on Tango Photos $200 Poses - - 1

Payment Options

We offer several payment options for your convenience: cash, bank transfer and PayPal. For the best value, we prefer cash or bank transfer, as they come without additional surcharges or fees. PayPal is also accepted, though it may include standard transaction fees.

If you would like to pre-pay for your event or packages, our bank details can be found here. Please use your initial and surname as the transaction reference to ensure we can correctly process your payment.